Why Peanuts?

Well, why don’t we spell it out for you?

P - Peanuts, obviously It’s simple isn’t it really, there are very few (if not none at all) Peanut-related NFT projects. That alone separates us from the crowds.

E - Entirely Customizable We’ve taken a different approach with the generation of our artwork and made it so that everyone can select the traits that their Peanut has. Rarity will be determined after traits are selected, so choose carefully.

A - Artwork Our artwork is actually delicious, we have some really talented artists behind the signature style of our Peanuts. I’m sure you’ll agree, they’re delectable.

N - Narrative We haven’t just thrown together a story, we’ve created a narrative that carries through our entire collection, and adds upon our lore with every utility. We’re building an almost palpable world, and we’re asking you to be a part of it.

U - Utilities Beyond our impressive and unique exterior, we’ve also included some more common utilities such as deflationary mechanics, free airdrops, community events, merch, and a DAO treasury. We stand out, but we also deliver.

T - Team (Privately Doxxed) There is an undeniable danger in doxxing a team, as we’ve seen with previous collections. We’re tackling that by privately doxxing ourselves, and holding our team members accountable for their actions internally.

S - Social Movement We have a wholesome message behind what we’re doing, by donating one free meal with each of our NFTs in a bid to make our mark on world hunger.

Last updated