Mint a Pass
Overview of our Minting and Customization Process
Last updated
Overview of our Minting and Customization Process
Last updated
Rather than minting a Peanut directly, users first mint a “Presidential Pass ”, which provides access to our workshop - NUTKIT, a customization terminal, where users are able to fully customize their Peanut based on the rarity attributes shown on the mint pass. Our wide range of 200 traits allows our Peanuts to have differing degrees of rarity but rest assured, individual Peanuts carry value in their own right. A full rarity chart will be released once the public mint has ended.
Minters will be provided with a Presidential Pass upon mint that contains three general pieces of important information: Access to the workshop, the attributes associated with their Presidential Peanuts NFT (e.g. body, hat, glasses), and the corresponding rarity category for that attribute (e.g. legendary, rare, common) which are randomly generated when the Presidential Pass is minted.
After minting a Presidential Pass, users will navigate through our workshop for the attribute console to completely customize their Peanuts.
Attribute categories you can find in our NUTKIT:
Peanut Body
Head Accessories
Get to building the Peanut that's right for you.
Keep in mind that Peanuts with the same attributes cannot be minted (if you try, an error will be generated), so the building Peanuts is first come, first served. Make sure to be quick.