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The Presidential Pass We’re a stickler for detail, which is why we’ve tried our very best to perfect the visual on our Presidential Pass. We’ve been through a few concepts, trying to put together something that matched our visuals and our vibe. If you like this, you’ll love the final product.
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
Concept 4 |
The Evolution of Peanuts For us, the goal with our artwork was to not overcomplicate anything, something that we’re serious about when it comes to generative art. If you’re piling up layers of artwork, you just can’t go making each individual piece too busy. Honestly, we think we’ve nailed that. Our base artwork is simple enough to be great as a standalone piece, but can quite easily be added to in order to deliver something much tastier. You’ll see from our concepts what we’re talking about…
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
Concept 3 (Leveled Up) (Coming soon) Honoraries and Legendaries (Sneak Peek) For us, the goal with our artwork was to not overcomplicate anything, something that we’re serious about when it comes to generative art. If you’re piling up layers of artwork, you just can’t go making each individual piece too busy. Honestly, we think we’ve nailed that. Our base artwork is simple enough to be great as a standalone piece, but can quite easily be added to in order to deliver something much tastier. You’ll see from our concepts what we’re talking about…